Andrew Ortegaray
I've been working at Wolfram Research for the past year on projects involving number theoretic transforms and fast multipole methods. Before that, I graduated from Caltech in math and physics.
My current interests and projects include quadratic residues, Heegaard Floer homology, certain geodesic problems on compact manifolds, adapting a version of
ripser , and how to convert guitar and ukulele tabs.
Heat Kernel Analysis of Syntactic Structures
(with R. Berwick and M. Marcolli),
Mathematics in Computer Science , Vol. 15 (2021), 643–660
Phylogenetics of Indo-European Language Families via an Algebro-Geometric Analysis of Their Syntactic Structures
(with K. Shu, R. Berwick, and M. Marcolli), Mathematics in Computer Science , Vol. 15 (2021), 803-857
Seminars and Workshops
"Southeastern Undergraduate Mathematics Workshop" | Georgia Tech | August 5, 2019 - August 9, 2019
"Holomorphic Differentials in Mathematics and Physics" | MSRI | August 19, 2019 - August 23, 2019
"Microlocal Analysis" | MSRI | September 3, 2019 - September 6, 2019
"Number Theory Series in Los Angeles I" | Occidental College | October 26, 2019 - October 27, 2019
"Wolfram Summer Workshop" | Wolfram Research | June 2020 - August 2020
"Geometry and Mathematical Physics Workshop" | Boston University/Keio University/Tsinghua University | June 27, 2021 - July 1, 2021
"PCMI Summer Workshop: Motivic Homotopy" | Park City Mathematics Institute | July 12, 2021 - July 16, 2021
Ph 1c (Intermediate E&M) | Spring '18 [TA]
Ma 0 (Introduction to Proofs) | Summer '18 [TA]
Ph 1a (Introductory Classical Mechanics) | Fall '18 [TA]
Ph 1b (Special Relativity /Introductory E&M) | Winter '18-'19 [TA]
Ph 2c (Introductory Statistical Mechanics) | Spring '19 [TA]
Ma 0 (Introduction to Proofs) | Summer '19 [TA]
Ma 5a (Introduction to Proofs) | Fall '19 [TA]
My CV can be found here .
Current Area: Seattle, WA
E-mail: drewaray {at} alumni {dot} caltech {dot} edu
Phone: (786) 816 - 5922
Last Updated: August 2021